#37Awesome JavaScript


JavaScript ( JS ) 是一种具有 函数优先 的轻量级,解释型或即时编译型的编程语言。JavaScript 是一种基于 原型编程、多范式的动态脚本语言,并且支持面向对象、命令式和声明式(如函数式编程)风格。


  • JavaScript Weekly - A newsletter of JavaScript articles, news and cool projects
  • Node Weekly - A free, once–weekly e-mail round-up of Node.js news and articles
  • React - A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
    • React Status - A weekly roundup of the latest React and React Native links and tutorials.
    • React Newsletter - Stay up to date on the latest React news, tutorials, resources, and more. Delivered every Tuesday, for free.
    • React Digest - React Digest is a weekly newsletter with the five most interesting stories in front-end React development ⚛️ 👩‍💻.
  • Vue - The Progressive JavaScript Framework




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